


White Fields Offering 2024

The White Fields offering is a missions offering we have done for many years as a church. It is an annual offering raising funds to respond to the one time needs of our domestic and international missionaries, and to support our church’s annual short term missions trips. Each year the missions committee prayerfully selects recipients for a portion of the offering. Our goal is to raise $35,000. The drive will run from Thanksgiving through the end of January. You can give online or by writing “White Fields” in the memo line of your check. You can give towards White Fields at any time of the year, but giving at this time helps the committee determine how to best distribute the funds. This year the White Fields offering will benefit Reformed University Fellowship, International Students, Inc., Montgomery County Young Life, Encompass World Partners, and Shady Grove Mission Trips and MTW Mission Internships.

Checks can be made to the church with “White Fields” in the memo line, or or give online (select “Give to White Fields” in the drop-down menu). Thus far, we have raised $30,946 toward our goal of $35,000.

Purpose of Missions

To assist Shady Grove in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord, the Missions Ministry Center will:

  • Nurture the development of a Chirst-like heart for the world.
  • Provide an understanding of the work of missionaries as they bring men and women, girls and boys, to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ locally, and internationally.
  • Encourage our congregation and provide opportunities for all to be involved in direct support of the needs, concerns, and activities of our missionaries and mission programs.
  • Send out missionaries from our congregation.

Missions Committee Meetings

The Missions Committee meets at the church on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm.

How you can be involved

  1. PRAY, lifting up to the Lord those called to the mission field and provide a protective hedge around these families. Read the Bulletin – The Light, the prayer Guide and the Mission Bulletin Board for prayer needs.
  2. Be a financial provider to assure that those called to be missionaries are provided the resources to meet the call.
  3. Be a Point Person, our liaison to one specific missionary family/ministry. Inform the congregation of their special needs, concerns, and activities.
  4. Help plan and carry out our annual mission conference and White Fields Mission Offering.
  5. Be a Short Term Missionary. We have sent teams and individuals to Costa Rica, Haiti, Honduras, Jordan, Mexico, Mississippi, North Carolina, Peru, Philippines, Ukraine, West Virginia, Yemen, and Zambia. These short-term missions provides an opportunity to be introduced to, and be a part of what Christ is doing around the world.
  6. Join the Mission efforts of the Ministry Center Leadership team to help guide the cooperative Mission efforts of the congregation.


Please email if you’d like to contact the missions committee or consider serving on it:

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