Life Groups

At Shady Grove, life groups are the regular place of meeting and sharing, interceding for one another, stirring one another up to love and good deeds, and encouraging one another to grow in the faith.  We spend time in community loving one another as followers of Christ. We eat; we study; we pray; we live life together–messy as it is. If you’re interested in becoming part of a life group, please contact our Life Group Coordinator, Tammy Jones, [email protected]

Life Groups are Forming Now

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Life Groups Plan

Biblical community has been defined as the place where professing Christians love one another not simply as the world loves, but as followers of Christ who are together seeking to understand and live out the implication of God’s word on their lives. It is the regular place of meeting and sharing, interceding for one another, stirring one another up to love and good deeds, and encouraging one another to grow in the faith. 

Life groups can be 8-12 members that will commit to meeting regularly and will reflect the diversity of SGPCA. The session will approve leaders from the congregation and provide oversight for their training.

Goals: The groups exist to develop mature disciples of Christ through the Word and prayer, to strengthen friendships in the church by sharing life with a specific group of people, and to provide care and minister to the spiritual and physical needs within the group.

Schedule:  Groups will commit to meeting at least bi-weekly from September through November. They will be encouraged to take the month of December off for regular meetings; however, they are certainly welcome to meet for a social event, if desired.

Groups will begin again in January and run through May, meeting at least bi-weekly. Summer months will provide a break for the hosts and leaders; however, the opportunity for fellowship, mercy, outreach, and meals together, of course, is welcome and can be determined by individual groups.

Study Material and Structure:  Life groups will choose their study pending approval by the Session. Studies could be a portion of God’s Word, an assisted Bible study, a sermon discussion group or a topical book study.  Videos or podcasts could also be used in conjunction with a study. The coordinator can offer resources and support if needed. There will be a specific group designated as a sermon review group led by Charlie Baile and open to newcomers. Some groups will cater to families with young children.  

Life groups, in addition to Bible study, will be regularly praying for each other. Groups will pray with the needs of members within the group, needs of people in the community, and evangelistic opportunities, as well. How they spend their time in prayer will be left to the discernment of the group (i.e. they may agree to divide as they see fit). Group members will be encouraged to maintain confidentiality of personal matters shared by the group.

Who?  Members of the church will be strongly encouraged, but not required, to take part in a life group. Regular attenders may also be included; however, they, too, will be asked to commit to regular attendance to the group.  

Group members may bring visitors to specific social events or hospitality focused meetings.  Elders will be encouraged to the extent possible to participate in groups to provide convenient feedback to the session regarding matters to be prayed for and questions of church governance and policy.

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